Average Height of 13 Years Old Children in 2024

The 13 To 14-year Period of every child is considered a significant period for children where their bones grow rapidly and we see significant growth in their heights. During this phase, the average height of 13 years old child varies considerably. But Every Child’s height is not the same as others due to genetics, nutrition, environmental effects, home environment, sports, and several other factors. Differences in countries are also considered a reason for different heights.

In this article, we will discuss the average height of boys/girls, indications of increasing height, factors affecting the child’s height, and how to promote height.

Average Height For 13 years Old Child:

In Boys (Average):

The average height of boys at 13 is 61.5 inches or 156.2 cm.

In Girls (Average):

The average height of girls 13 is 61.8 inches or 157 cm.

Note that these values do not exactly fit every type of person. Environment and country presence are also reasons for the different heights.

Factors Affecting Height Rate:

average height of 13 years old

The Factors which have a main role in affecting child height are several but the most important factors are given Below:


Scientists believe that around 80% of a child’s height is estimated by variation in DNA which they inherited from parents. This DNA then creates a pattern that specifies the whole body structure but not only DNA makes the whole story. DNA is just a base for a child to enter a world with a structure where he is affected by different types of nutrition, what type of sports he is interested in, what type of environment he lives and his sleep also affects his height.

A healthy body demands a healthy mind, and a healthy mind requires healthy sleep.

Diet(Nutrition Role In Height):

A famous quote is given below:

Height isn’t just in the genes; it’s also in the greens.

A human body requires a healthy nutritionist diet that completely fulfills its height so the body will properly create all hormones related to human body growth, height, and maintenance. A balanced diet having a good amount of minerals, proteins, vitamins, and calcium is necessary for growing. 

Proteins are the building blocks of cells and tissues which help to grow. Vitamins are necessary for body functions while vitamin D helps for calcium absorption in bones. Calcium is necessary for bones to become strong and necessary for maintaining bone density.

Sports & Exercise:

The role of sports and exercise cannot be neglected as these are like activators that enhance the body’s growth rate which makes the body more muscular and makes bones strong and dense.


Some diseases affect the child’s hormones and metabolism which furthermore affects the child’s growth rate.

These include malnutrition, heart, lungs, pituitary gland, thyroid diseases, diabetes, chronic diseases, or any type of stress which may be from home in studies in society which affects the child growth rate.

Environmental Factors:

Environmental Factors also play a role in determining growth rate. Different countries have little difference in the height rate of children. Some countries are facing malnutrition that’s why their children are very weak. Some countries are good in diet and also have a climate of sports and healthy activities which promotes the child to grow stronger and taller.

Tips To Promote Child Height Rate:

average height of 13 years old

There are several tips to promote child height rate some of them are given below:

Proper Diet:

A Proper diet is necessary for child growth and body maintenance functions. Homemade diet is always healthy. These include meat, grains, snacks, and vegetables are enriched with mostly proteins, vitamins, and other minerals.

Motivate your children to eat homemade food and eat less fast food items. Gave them seasonal fruits. Milk & water are good drinks for children while stopping your child from drinking alcohol and other sugar-enriched drinks.

Sports & games:

Sports & games are the best activities which not only increase child height rate but also make their body to proper functions, makes bone stronger and increase their stamina rate.

These sports include swimming, running, jumping, and football and there is a wide range of activities which make the body stronger, taller, and bone-dense.

Medical Treatment:

If you find that your child’s height is not growing properly than an average child then this must be taken seriously. You will consult with child specialist doctors. Most probably the child growth is not growing properly due to insufficient vitamins, calcium, and protein. By having a proper diet and a good consultation with a doctor(if needed) the child’s growth can be seen.

Proper Sleep:

Proper sleep is also required to grow best. On average 8 – 10 hours of sleep are required for a child to grow best. Actually in the sleep condition the body starts to maintain its function the tissues that were broken are repaired new tissues are formed and bones grow best. In conclusion, sleep gives time to the body to work inside and make it perfect for a child.

Moreover, parents should maintain a specific bedtime for the child. The best time is 9 PM to 5 AM. After sleep the air is very fresh. Children must go for a walk in greenery areas like parks or lakes which makes his/her mind fresh and more flexible to do work properly.

FAQs Related To 13 Years Old Child Height:

What is the standard height for a 13-year-old child?

156 to 158 cm is considered an average height for a child. Note that this height is just an estimation which is not an accurate but an average measurement for every child.

My child’s height is not growing well why?

  • It may be because of genetics(Inheritance).
  • This may be due to improper diet.

How will my child gain a good height?

  • By getting proper diet.
  • By good sports and games.
  • By enjoying a proper regular sleep.
  • If the height is not growing, consult with a doctor.

What’s the average age at which a child stops growing?

The average age at which a child stops growing is usually between 20 and 21.


In conclusion, from all these talks, a child’s height depends on many factors, and inheritance from parents and diet plays a significant role. Moreover, if a child is growing slowly, it’s not a serious matter, usually it’s natural but getting some advice from a doctor is a better option. Maybe the child needs some vitamins or calcium which he can’t get from his diet. Moreover, a good sun exposure for a child is good as he gains vitamin D from sunlight which is necessary for absorption of calcium in bones and makes bone strong.

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