How big should a living room be?

The living room is the part of your house where you sit and chat with your family, spend precious time with them, and enjoy with your friends. makes many memorable moments, but the point is that when we are building any house, we often think about how much the area of ​​the living room should be, otherwise it should not be so big that we can Get lost and not so small that we feel suffocated. So they understand step by step “How big should a living room be?”

Purpose Of Living Room

Before the size of the living room, we first need to know its purpose, what is the purpose of the living room exactly? It is the place where you spend time with your family, giving them time to listen to them, just like you spend an evening with your friends, spending time with them, so the living room is the same for us. Just as our body has a heart because our heart has a special place in our body, the living room can also become a main part of the house, that is, a heart, so the living room has a very good purpose. It is essential to know the size of a furniture. It should not be too small or too big. Be able to set the calculation well.

Points To Be Consider

how big should a living room be?

The answer to the question of how big the living room be depends on a few questions. Number one, how many people will use the living room daily? Number two, do you play with your children, or Able to perform different activities?

Finding the Perfect Size: How Big Should a Living Room Be?

The size of the living room reflects the overall size of the house. For example, if someone has a small house, then his living room is at most 15 to 20 square meters, similarly, those who have very large houses have 40 square meters. Can be up to 50 meters score or more in size.

Dimensions Of Living Room

Now, those who are small and have a living room size between 20 and 25 square meters have enough space inside the living room to accommodate a sofa, a coffee table, and a TV.

Similarly, in living rooms that are medium in size, i.e. between 25 and 40 square meters, you can add some extra things like adding some extra chairs to make your study corner. Can put a nice coffee table so they have enough space again.

Similarly, living rooms with a size of more than 40 square meters can use their living room in any way, it can accommodate all kinds of things. There are board games, you can select the space you want to play, and you can arrange your furniture according to your needs, but all these things influence how you want to use your living room area.

What is your lifestyle like?

Remember, whenever you select the living room and its size, you must first consider your lifestyle if you are single or as a single couple. If you are living at home then your living room will be a small size perfect for you but if you are living in a house where there is a joint family or different couples are living or there are more children in your house If there are purses, then the size of the living room will be different and bigger for it.

Some Common Suggestions

A living room size of 15 to 20 meters would be perfect for couples who don’t currently have children and spend most of their day outside due to their jobs.

Thus, couples who have children need a living area for their children to play and an area in their living room for a family member to relax, so the size of the living room for such a family is 25 to 40. Must be square meters.

Thus, people who are fond of parties, host different parties at different times or invite their friends for entertainment, so for this type of event, the size of the living room should be large so that everyone can have freedom there. can move around and have enough space for them.

People who work from home need an office area in the house, then the best option for this can be the living room. They have to design the living room in such a way that they have a desk and a comfortable chair that are easily accessible.

how big should a living room be?

Layout and distribution in the living room

Remember the size of the living room is only one thing, the main thing is how you organize your living room because if you organize it in a good way, it will feel very open to you no matter the size. No matter how small it is, if you can move the easel from one place to another in this living room and the meantime, you don’t throw any of your furniture in the middle or it doesn’t create any kind of obstruction, then it’s up to you very good for.

Some planning tips

Never be tempted to collect too much furniture. If your living room is small in size or perfect for your family, a sofa, some chairs, a coffee table, and a TV are all you need. 

how big should a living room be?

Arrange the furniture in your living room according to the size. Don’t put a sofa in a small living group that is too big to cover the whole space, and don’t put a sofa that is too small in a large living room that doesn’t fit at all. Don’t look there, always choose the furniture considering the size of the living room.

When setting up your living room, create different sections for which part will be used for watching TV, which part will be used for reading, which will be used for relaxing, or in which part. Organize your living room with all these things in mind.

Think about the future

Another important thing to think about before choosing the size of your living room is what you plan to do in the next five to 10 years. If you are thinking of raising a family or doing something else, select the size of your living room accordingly so that in the next five to 10 years your living room becomes small or you do not do the work in it. Therefore, before doing all these things, you have to select the size of the living room very carefully.


How Big a Should Living Room Be? Depends on all the things we have discussed one by one above, that is, before you decide on the size of any living room, you have to make sure that you What is the lifestyle of your family. What is the size of your family? Apart from this, you have to look at one more thing related to your lifestyle. Whether you like to keep it simple, live in a joint family, party a lot or work from home, all these things greatly measure the size of your living room because the size of your living room is your lifestyle. It depends on the whole family and their needs.

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